Home Page - Leicestershire Builder Website 2021

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Welcome to the Leicestershire Builder Website!
This is your go-to source for all things construction in Leicestershire.
Leicestershire Builder Magazine, is a monthly publication that provides news and information specifically tailored to the construction industry in Leicestershire, Rutland, and the immediate surrounding areas.
With a distribution of 2,500 copies sent by post to local building-based companies and further copies available at trade counters throughout the county, our magazine reaches the heart of the construction community.
Whether you're looking for trade news, planning applications, advice, or details of development properties for sale, our editorial content, which makes up at least 50% of the magazine, has got you covered. Don't miss out on the latest updates - our magazine is published on the 1st of every month.
Stay informed and connected with the Leicestershire Builder Magazine!
Contact details
Leicestershire Builder Magazine
PO Box 8, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9ZT
Tel: 01530 244069
Email: info@buildermagazines.co.uk
Booking & Publication Dates
Deadline for booking adverts is 15th of preceding month.
Publication date is 1st of each month.

How to receive the magazine
Subscriptions are priced at £20 for 12 issues (No VAT on subscriptions).
To receive occasional issues, email us.
To pick up a free copy, visit one of the trade counters on our list.

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